Shadow Secretary of State for Education

The Shadow Secretary of State for Education is an office in the Official Opposition Shadow Cabinet.

The current incumbent Shadow Secretary is Stephen Twigg MP.


List of Shadow Secretaries of State for Education

Shadow Secretaries of State for Education and Science

Name Portrait Took office Left office Political party Leader of the Opposition
Norman St John-Stevas February 1975 6 November 1978 Conservative Margaret Thatcher
Mark Carlisle 6 November 1978 4 May 1979 Conservative Margaret Thatcher
Neil Kinnock 4 May 1979 2 October 1983 Labour Michael Foot
Giles Radice 2 October 1983 13 July 1987 Labour Neil Kinnock
Jack Straw 13 July 1987 18 July 1992 Labour Neil Kinnock

Shadow Secretaries of State for Education

Name Portrait Took office Left office Political party Leader of the Opposition
Ann Taylor 18 July 1992 20 October 1994 Labour John Smith (Labour Party leader) (1992-1994)
Margaret Beckett (1994)
David Blunkett 20 October 1994 19 October 1995 Labour Tony Blair

Shadow Secretaries of State for Education and Employment

Name Portrait Took office Left office Political party Leader of the Opposition
David Blunkett 19 October 1995 2 May 1997 Labour Tony Blair
Gillian Shephard 2 May 1997 11 June 1997 Conservative John Major
Stephen Dorrell 11 June 1997 15 June 1998 Conservative William Hague
David Willetts 1 June 1998 15 June 1999 Conservative William Hague
Theresa May 15 June 1999 18 September 2001 Conservative William Hague

Shadow Secretary of State for Education and Skills

Name Portrait Took office Left office Political party Leader of the Opposition
Damian Green 18 September 2001 11 November 2003 Conservative Ian Duncan Smith
Tim Yeo 11 November 2003 14 June 2004 Conservative Michael Howard
Tim Collins 14 June 2004 6 May 2005 Conservative Michael Howard
David Cameron 6 May 2005 6 December 2005 Conservative Michael Howard

Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families

Name Portrait Took office Left office Political party Leader of the Opposition
David Willetts 6 December 2005 2 July 2007 Conservative David Cameron
Michael Gove 2 July 2007 11 May 2010 Conservative David Cameron

Shadow Secretaries of State for Education (2010 - present)

Name Portrait Took office Left office Political party Leader of the Opposition
Ed Balls 11 May 2010 8 October 2010 Labour Ed Miliband
Andy Burnham 8 October 2010 7 October 2011 Labour Ed Miliband
Stephen Twigg 7 October 2011 Incumbent Labour Ed Miliband